The village movement supports and develops village activities.
Much has been done in the villages with the support of EU projects and structural funds.
Much has been done in the villages with the support of EU projects and structural funds.
is the Estonian Parliament of Villages, which has been held every two years since 1996 in different counties around Estonia. The next one, the 16th Estonian Villages Day, will take place in 2026.
competition to celebrate active villages. We recognise villages for effective action, share best practices of community action, and contribute to a positive image of rural life.
A strategic partnership agreement between the Ministry of the Interior and Kodukandi has been signed for the period 2023-2026 to build community capacity and promote community-centred governance.
The Estonian Village Movement Kodukant has been a member of the Let's Do It! and is a contractual partner of the Estonian Nature Fund. We support both the leaders and the participants.
We stand up for the voice of villages to be heard in Estonia and Europe.
The aim of the village movement is to support and develop village activities.
is a person who offers their time to an elderly or special needs person by being a friend, having a chat, going for a walk, doing a craft, going to the shop, to the doctor.
is a birthday present for us and for our country. The 100th birthday of the Republic was celebrated from 16.04.2017 to 2.02.2020. The joint gift lasted the same length of time, bringing together the most precious gifts to celebrate EV100.
Kodukand, like many NGOs, has projects to help it carry out its activities. The movement has received support from various foundations at home.
Over the years, the village movement has been supported by various funds from abroad.
Estonian Village Movement Kodukant