Estonian Village Movement Kodukant

We bring together associations that develop their local environment and village communities.

Our mission is to bring together associations that develop their local living environment and village communities, supporting local initiative, active citizenship and entrepreneurship, and to carry out sectoral advocacy at national level.

The village movement took off practically as soon as independence was restored. It was born out of the people living in villages and their needs.

Our story

The Estonian Village Movement Kodukant brings together associations that value village life. The aim of Kodukant is to promote community-based activities in rural areas by valuing and developing village life, traditional culture and voluntary activities.

Our highlights

The main idea of the Rural Day is to give clear directions to the village movement, to set real tasks, to find solutions, to make proposals to the parliament, ministries and local authorities.

Since 1996, Maapäev has been held every two years in different counties across Estonia. The first Maapäev took place in Ida-Virumaa.

With the “Village of the Year” competition, we value active villages. We recognise villages for their performance, share good community practices and contribute to a positive image of rural life.

The “Village of the Year” award is given by the Village Movement Kodukant to a village, a village area or a settlement that has achieved visible results in the development of village life.


The village movement's theme song "The village is alive"

The song was commissioned by the Estonian Village Movement Kodukant and the Põlvamaa Movement Kodukant. All village associations and communities are welcome to use the song at their events.

All Estonia must live!

Estonian Village Movement Kodukant

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